If you prefer to print out the whole supervision instruction, please find the pdf version in the section of supervision on RM03 Moodle page.
Supervision 1 (15 February, 2022)
- Read through the instruction carefully. You may face problems if you overlook any of the steps.
- Remember to save the QGIS document regularly.
- When running tasks on QGIS, leave the settings as the default unless instructed.
Note: functions and filename arehighlighted
in this document.
Supervision overview
In this exercise, you will familiarise yourself with the basic features of QGIS software and geoprocessing exercises with vector data and raster data.
Setup Work Environment (10 mins)
- Please download and install
QGIS standalone install version
(Long term release repository, Version 3.10) according to your platform: QGIS Download Page. - It is suggested to create a folder and name it as
, at your prefered directory on your disk. This folder will be the working directory for all datasets and QGIS project file in this supervision. - Launch QGIS: Start QGIS Desktop and check interface (menu bar, toolbar, browser panel, layer panel and map window)
Note: if some panels or toolbars are not showing, navigate to menu barView
to switch on.
QGIS Project Setup (5 mins)
- In the menu bar, Click
to create a new QGIS project. - Go to
>Save As
and save assupervision1.QGZ
to the working directory. - Go to
and open theProject Properties
tab: this tab provides the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) setting for the project file. Here, we choose the projected coordinate system,OSGB 1936/British National Grid EPSG:27700
. ClipApply
button in the left bottom corner. Be aware that CRS setting in theProject Properties
(calledData Frame setting
in ArcGIS) is just for the project file, not including layer CRS. CRS setting for layers will be introduced later. -
tab: in the general settings, set your working directory asProject Home
, change the unit for distance measurement asMeters
since we choose projected CRS (EPSG:27700) in the last step and set display coordinates units asMap units (meters)
. -
tab: It is suggested to input title, author, creation date and a short abstract in the identification tab.
Note: after adding Project home
, you can find Project Home
directory is showing in the Browser panel
. It is much easier to locate your data files through the panel.
Vector Data (30 mins)
First, we will play with some vector data. In this part, you will learn:
- How to import shapefile into QGIS?
- How to activate a layer?
- Download
Cambridge District Wards
data of Cambridgeshire from: Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data and save zip file into your working directory. - Import shapefile into your project: Locate this file at your working directory in the
Browser Panel
and hold the left mouse and drag theWards_December_2015_Generalised_Clipped_Boundaries_in_Great_Britain.shp
into the map window. Alternatively, you can add vector file through the data source manager. ClickOpen data source manager
button onData source manager toolbar
and switch toVector
tab. Choose file as the source type and choose your shapefile in the source path.
Note: You may be prompted a window to conduct CRS transformation, click ok to continue.
3: Check added layer in Layer Panel
. You can turn on and off layer by checking or unchecking it. Before you perform any action to a layer, please make sure the target layer is checked and selected with highlight.
Attributes table
- How to open the attribute table?
- How to select polygons only from Cambridge through the attribute table?
Select the layer in the layers panel, click the
open attribute table
in theAttribute Toolbar
. You will see the attribute table with different fields includingwd15nm
(the name of Ward District) andlad15nm
(the name of Local Authority District).
In the attribute table of the Cambridgeshire layer and double-click
to sort by value/content. Select all rows whoselad15nm
value equalCambridge
(select first one and then press SHIFT on your keyboard while selecting the last one). The selected elements will be highlighted in the map view.
Here is an alternative method to select elements precisely: Open attribute table of Cambridgeshire layer and
Select features using an expression
in QGIS. In the window of expression, input"lad15nm" = 'Cambridge'
and click select features.
Note: You don’t need to type expression manually, expandField and Values
option in the right panel and double clicklad15nm
. The field name will show in the expression window. Once you select the fieldlad15nm
, clickAll Unique
button on the right, it will show a list of unique values from the field oflad15nm
. Double click it to add to your expression.
Once select elements you need, right-click this layer and click
>Save Selected Features As
. First, change the format toESRI Shapefile
. Then, you need to click the ellipsis (...
) button to select the output directory and name the file asCam_City
. This exported shapefile should include these wards: Abbey, Arbury, Castle, Cherry Hinton, Coleridge, East Chesterton, King’s Hedges, Market, Newnham, Petersfield, Queen Edith’s, Romsey, Trumpington and West Chesterton. -
Try other functions in attribute table:
select all
,invert selection
,deselect all
Importing spreadsheets or CSV files
- How to import data from spreadsheets and CSV with coordinates?
- How to display coordinates from spreadsheets and CSV in QGIS?
- Download
Cambridge local services
data of Cambridgeshire from: Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data and save into your working directory. (If you are using Safari on MacOS, you need to clickdownload
>right click
in the pop-up window > save page as a csv file.) This is a dataset to be used to geo-locate a shortlist of agencies and facilities around Cambridge. - Navigate to menu bar click
>Add Layer
>Add Delimited Text Layer
. Browse thecambridge-services-geolocated-csv-2-standardized.csv
just downloaded and change the layer name toCam_Services
. In the section of File Format, choose CSV. In the Geometry Definition section, choosePoint coordinates
and selectLongitude
fields as X Y fields respectively. Normally the Geometry definition section will be auto-populated if it finds a suitable X and Y coordinate fields. Then choose the right CRS (EPSG:4326 - WGS84) for this file. Finally, clickAdd
, and you will find a point layer.
Join layer
- How can we link Cambridge local services with district information?
Navigate to
and searchJoin attributes by location
. In the prompted window, chooseCam_Services
as input layer andCam_City
as join layer. In the geometric predicate section, chooseintersects
. In the join type section, choosecreate separate feature for each located feature (one-to-many)
Open the attribute table of
Joined layer
, and you will find district information for each service item.
Digitizing Map Data (15 mins)
- How to install a plugin in QGIS?
- How to add a base map to QGIS?
- How to create a new shapefile?
- How to add new features with attributes?
Basemap and plugins in QGIS
Extend functions of your QGIS with plugins: open
>Manage and Install Plugins
from the menu bar. SearchQuickMapServices
and clickInstall plugin
Note: if some plugins are not showing, please switch toSetting tab
and turn on theShow also experimental plugins
After installing the plugin, you can find
function in theWeb
section from the menu bar. ChooseOSM
-OSM Standard
, and you will add a base map in QGIS.
Create features/shapefiles in QGIS
- Once you add a base map for your QGIS project, you will see a scalable map in the map window.
Note: You computer must be connected to the internet to add base map as the imagery is fetched from web servers. - Zoom in to the Cambridge area to find the location of your frequently visited services including cafes, restaurants, book shops, cash machines, etc. If you are not familiar with the Cambridge city due to the COVID-19, please try to find our department and your college on the map and explore the surroundings.
Create the following three shapefiles using
>Create Layer
>New Shapefile Layer
. You need to click the ellipsis (...
) button to select the output directory and name the file asMy_POI.shp
(Point). Remember to choose theEPSG:27700 - OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
coordinate system (select CRS > filter > SearchOSGB 1936
). You will add twoNew Fields
) to itsFields List
to store the name and category of each POI.
Select the
layer in the layer panel, then openToggle editing
and selectAdd Point Feature
. After pining a point feature on map window, aFeature Attribute
window will pop up. Input id, name and category (cafe, restaurant, book shop, etc.) of this new feature.
After creating features in the map window, click
Toggle Editing
again and save changes. - Repeat above step from 4 to 5. Create another 4 points with inputting attributes.
Raster Data (10 mins)
Now, you will take a few mins to families the raster data. In this part, you will learn:
- How to import raster data?
- How to extract part of raster in Cambridge?
- How to symbolise raster map?
Cambridge SRTM1
data of Cambridgeshire from: Cambridge SRTM1 Data into your working directory. This dataset is used to generate digital elevation data and make a topographic map. -
Import shapefile into your project: Locate this file at your working directory through
Browser Panel
and hold the left mouse and drag then52_e000_1arc_v3.tif
into the map window. Or, you can add vector file through data source manager.
Before extracting from raster, we need an aggragated shapefile covering whole Cambridge city (called
mask layer
in raster clipping). Navigate toProcessing
and searchDissolve
underVector geometry
section. In the prompted window, chooseCam_City
as input layer and save asCam_City_dissolved.shp
to your working directory.
Navigate to
and searchClip raster by mask layer
. In the prompted window, choosen52_e000_1arc_v3.tif
as input layer andCam_City_dissolved
as a mask layer. Save extracted raster asCam_Strm1.tif
Change symbology: Select
and right-click to the properties option. Switch toSymbology
tab and changeRender type
toPaletted/Unique values
. Expand theColor ramp
section and chooseSpectral
. Then clickClassify
button to automatically assign a colour to each value. Back toColor ramp
section and checkInvert Color Ramp
Note: if your layer is not showing, change the order of layers inLayer Panel
Now you have a topographic map about Cambridge city. You can compare your result with Camrbidge Terrain Map